Volunteer Requirement Updates
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
In SRVUSD, we continue to prioritize student safety and improve our procedures for processing and clearing employees and volunteers. We are making some enhancements to SRVUSD’s volunteer clearance process via our volunteer management system, Be A Mentor (BAM), effective for the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. The requirements are stated on- https://www.srvusd.net/Students-and-Families/Volunteer-Requirements/index.html and check your status here at Be A Mentor https://www.beamentor.org/login/
We are providing this information to all current SRVUSD parents and caregivers, regardless of whether you have been previously cleared. SRVUSD partners with BAM to allow parents and caregivers to be cleared as school volunteers at the level of their choosing. This includes:
Level One: General School Volunteers and Day Field Trip Chaperones
Level Two: Field Trip Drivers
Level Three: Overnight Chaperones
The following two (2) changes will be part of the approval process for the 2024-25 school year:
1. Volunteers at all three levels will now be required to provide proof of Tuberculosis (TB) clearance every four (4) years. If you have proof of TB clearance within the last four (4) years, that is acceptable to meet this requirement.
Please consult directly with your medical provider to find out information about what TB test option is best for you.
We also encourage you to review more information on Tuberculosis and TB testing from Contra Costa Health Services.
2. Level Three volunteers will now be required to complete Mandated Reporter training annually (takes approximately 40 minutes to complete) and Sexual Harassment training every two (2) years (takes approximately 60 minutes to complete).